Wednesday, January 25, 2012

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/25/2012

Network Updates, Jan 18 - Jan 25
Featured Updates
Jim Wertz is now connected to Jill Chiccarino Beck
Jim Wertz (@inclinemedia) RT @GoErie : Volunteer opportunities: Give blood, build a home and help your furry friends via Twitter
Jim Wertz (@inclinemedia) RT @GOOD : We're challenging you to design an infographic showing us where your money goes via Twitter
Project: Make an Infographic of Your Weekly Spending
We all spend money on things we need, things we think we need, and things we know we don't need. In the process, we often overlook how the little things add up. That's why this month's #30DaysofGOOD Challenge asks us all to pay atte
Jim Wertz (@inclinemedia) The InclineMedia Weekly is out! via Twitter
Jim Wertz (@inclinemedia) RT @nprpolitics : Newt's mentioned Saul Alinsky, who was Obama's inspiration to become a commty organizer. Here's his wikipedia pg: via Twitter
Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jim Wertz (@inclinemedia) RT @crowleyreport : Wonder where Newt would be today without that damned elite media via Twitter
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