Tuesday, November 29, 2011

LinkedIn Network Updates, 11/29/2011

Network Updates, Nov 22 - Nov 29
Featured Updates
Jim Wertz The InclineMedia Weekly is out! http://t.co/rIYv0byY
Updates from Your Extended Network
Updates from Professionals in the Broadcast Media Industry
David Lohr Hartford Circus Fire: A 67-Year-Old Mystery http://t.co/aFTN0sbk via @huffingtonpost
Hartford Circus Fire: A 67-Year-Old Mystery
Real life mysteries can be enthralling, but unlike Hollywood, some are never resolved. It is those mysteries, however, that cause intrigue and bring out the arm chair detective in all of us.
Vanessa Herring On the night shift today!
John Kleiner Jenny fakes the block? J-Lo’s Fiat 500 ad causes a stir | Wheels.ca http://t.co/uVra0tLD via @wheelsca Maybe Endora cloned her.
Brandon LaVorgna Where's my mic?!!
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