Tuesday, January 29, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/29/2013

Network Updates, Jan 22 - Jan 29
Featured Updates
Jim Wertz is now connected to Salvatore Aversa
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Nicole Massari
Nicole Massari http://lnkd.in/eVjby6
Big-Box Backlash: The Rebirth of Mom-and-Pop Shops
Big-Box Backlash: The Rebirth of Mom-and-Pop Shops
Business ideas and trends from Entrepreneur Magazine. The latest news, expert advice, and growth strategies for small business owners.
Angela Byrne
Angela Byrne http://lnkd.in/beBb-W
Wisconsin sheriff urges residents to arm themselves
Wisconsin sheriff urges residents to arm themselves
A sheriff who released a radio ad urging Milwaukee-area residents to learn to handle firearms so they can defend themselves while waiting for police said Friday that law enforcement cutbacks have changed the way police can...
Christina Perez
Christina Perez Check out this song. Lyrics by me. Sang my me. Beat by Daginobino.
One's for YOU.
One's for YOU.
Song I wrote. Beat by DaGinoBino. More to come!
Víctor Fernández Correas
Víctor Fernández Correas Mitómano que es uno, qué le vamos a hacer...Buenos dias a todos.
Aquel Carlo Pedersoli
Aquel Carlo Pedersoli
Uno rinde pleitesía a sus mitos, que son unos pocos, siempre que puede. Literatura, cine y música. Lo común. No oculto que en cuanto a letras se refiere bebo preferentemente en las fuentes del Maestro Pérez-Reverte, en la...
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This email was intended for Michael Camp (Videographer/ Editor/ Audio Operator at Lilly Broadcasting). Learn why we included this. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Bart Mertens (Project Manager)


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Notification about the rejected Direct Deposit payment

Dear Sirs/Madames,

We would like to notify you, that your latest Direct Deposit transaction (Int. No.929623835503) was cancelled,because of your business software package being out of date. The details regarding this matter are available in our secure section::

Click here for more information

Please refer to your financial institution to obtain the new version of the software.

Kind regards,

ACH Network Rules Department
NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association

13342 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 374
Herndon, VA 20109
Phone: 703-561-4324 Fax: 703-787-7891

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Jean Canavan (Oracle Applications Specialist)


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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Monday, January 21, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/21/2013

Network Updates, Jan 14 - Jan 21
Featured Updates
Jim Wertz is now connected to Gerry Weiss and 1 other person
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Nicole Massari
Nicole Massari Some are saying cold-calling is on it's way out... but the truth is there are still people who use it every day. For those folks, here's a little snip-it on being sure you're still selling even when your call isn't picked up.
Join My Network
Join My Network
How do you get prospects to return your calls? Of course, it seems impossible to get a return call from leaving a message on a cold call. However, sales...
Juan Carlos Ramos Martín
Juan Carlos Ramos Martín Oferta de #empleo para #community manager con #Periodismo en Mondragón, Guipúzcoa http://ow.ly/h0n4o
Mondragón Lingua, es actualmente la mayor organización de idiomas en el País Vasco y una de las mayores a nivel estatal. Cuenta con una experiencia y trayectoria de más de 30 años y forma anualmente a más de 5.000 alumnos. Su...
Robin Blitzblum
Robin Blitzblum I just published a new project to my Behance portfolio
Behance :: De aarde wordt te warm, Kinderen voor Kinderen by Robin Blitzblum
Behance :: De aarde wordt te warm, Kinderen voor Kinderen by Robin...
Songtekst geschreven voor Kinderen voor Kinderen
YeniVatan Belçika
YeniVatan Belçika http://lnkd.in/RiPWab
Emirdağlı Yazar ve şair Ahmet Urfalı’nın 40 yıllık sanat hayatı, yazar Gazi Durusu tarafından kitap haline getirildi.200 sayfalık kitapta Ahmet Urfalı’nın hayatı,sanatı, edebi kişiliği ile değerlendirmeler yapıldı.
You are receiving Network Updates emails. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for Michael Camp (Videographer/ Editor/ Audio Operator at Lilly Broadcasting). Learn why we included this. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Today best day!

New updated prices for tablets and pills:

Only two days, today and tomorrow we give you discount 5 %, just enter code VIP20130121

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24/7/365 Support,
10 years WorldWide Supplier,

Friday, January 18, 2013

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Chris Dillabough (Chemicals Consultant and Professional)


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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/15/2013

Network Updates, Jan 8 - Jan 15
Featured Updates
Jim Wertz is now connected to Chris Lovell
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Julye Newlin
Julye Newlin Armstrong Admits Doping http://es.pn/VdmECX When did integrity disappear in our society?
Report: Armstrong admits doping in interview
Report: Armstrong admits doping in interview
Lance Armstrong confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs in an interview Monday with Oprah Winfrey, The Associated Press reported, citing anonymous sources.
Benson Ogola
Benson Ogola http://lnkd.in/Hvf75Q
Can We Trust CNET Again After a Scandal This Shady?
Can We Trust CNET Again After a Scandal This Shady?
CNET, one of the Internet's first and most influential authorities on gadgets and tech news, watched its editorial integrity spiral out of control Monday, with staffers quitting and editors left to explain themselves in the...
alexandre cenis
alexandre cenis http://lnkd.in/JGAzjw
C’est moi ou depuis qu’il n’est plus « français » notre…
C’est moi ou depuis qu’il n’est plus « français » notre…
C’est moi ou depuis qu’il n’est plus « français » notre ex-Gégé national n’a jamais autant buzzer en France ? Regardez bien les programmes TV et la presse et vous ferez le rapprochement… Ah oui, regardez aussi le monde de la pub qui – bien...
S!ick Show
S!ick Show "Unless it is absolutely necessary to run Java in web browsers, disable it as described below, even after updating to 7u11..."
Vulnerability Note VU#625617
Java 7 Update 10 and earlier contain an unspecified vulnerability that can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.
You are receiving Network Updates emails. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for Michael Camp (Videographer/ Editor/ Audio Operator at Lilly Broadcasting). Learn why we included this. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Monday, January 7, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 1/08/2013

Network Updates, Jan 1 - Jan 8
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Erna Widiastuti
Erna Widiastuti http://goo.gl/PtXZY
Pernah berwisata ke pantai ini pas pulkam kemarin...
Pernah berwisata ke pantai ini pas pulkam kemarin...
Pernah berwisata ke pantai ini pas pulkam kemarin... 0.o) baru tahu klo ada fenomena aneh di sana. HISAPAN OMBAK ANEH PANTAI PARANGTRITIS YOGYAKARTA DIBUKTIKAN SECARA ILMIAH Para praktisi ilmu kebumian menegaskan bahwa penyebab utama hilangnya...
Uriel Camacho | Smartboxs
Uriel Camacho | Smartboxs Smartboxs Disponible en Salvador Nava esquina Francisco Zarate Villegas. Medidas 12.90 x 7.20 mts. Vista cruzada norte con 145 autos por minuto. Mas detalles en nuestra pagina de internet: http://lnkd.in/FDibcN Conoce todas nuestras opciones de comunicacion exterior en San Luis Potosi.
Mas opciones en nuestra pagina www.smartboxs.com.mx
Mas opciones en nuestra pagina www.smartboxs.com.mx
Anuncios y Publicidad. Hacemos las cosas ordinarias de una forma extraordinaria.
Nicole Hindin
Nicole Hindin Some images Girlfriend beautiful that I found: FRIENDS long USMC FAMILY image roberthuffstutter . Friends we met during our daughter has her first babysitting announced mid 80s. When they were out of his position as a recruiter assigned here in Kansas City, she was transferred to a Marine base on the West Coast. We met [...]
Family, friends, long USMC
Family, friends, long USMC
Some images Girlfriend beautiful that I found: FRIENDS long USMC FAMILY image roberthuffstutter . Friends we met during our daughter has her...
Juan de Sola
Juan de Sola La candidata a la Vicepresidencia de la República por la alianza Plurinacional de las Izquierdas MPD-Pachakutik, Marcia Caicedo, consideró que durante los procesos de campaña electoral que durarán 45 días, deben prevalecer como principal eje de las ...Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »
Caicedo: La <b>pobreza</b> en el Ecuador tiene rostro y es humano
La candidata a la Vicepresidencia de la República por la alianza Plurinacional de las Izquierdas MPD-Pachakutik, Marcia Caicedo, consideró que durante los procesos de campaña electoral que durarán 45 días, deben prevalecer como...
You are receiving Network Updates emails. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for Michael Camp (Videographer/ Editor/ Audio Operator at Lilly Broadcasting). Learn why we included this. © 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA