Saturday, January 24, 2009

Read To Rebound "I Have A Story" PSA

Incline Media produced a PSA campaign for Read to Rebound, a non-profit organization devoted to sharing the stories of those who have overcome hardship in their lives for the benefit of others. The "I Have A Story" PSA is designed to attract high school and college students to the organization's website and share their personal stories.

Read To Rebound "Share Your Story" PSA

Incline Media produced a PSA campaign for Read to Rebound, a non-profit organization devoted to sharing the stories of those who have overcome hardship in their lives for the benefit of others. The "Share Your Story" PSA is designed to raise awareness of the organization and drive traffic to its website.

PC WebDoc Commercial

Incline Media produced this national ad for PC WebDoc in 2008. We made excellent use of both natural and incandescent light for this living-room setting. It was shot mid-morning, on a snowy winter day, in a living room with floor to ceiling windows. There was an abundance of natural light to deal with. The end result was a warm natural balance to complement this mother's success story.